President Barrack Obamas inauguration speech - Blair House

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President Barrack Obamas inauguration speech - Blair House

Post by eoinzy »

Anybody going to watch this?

Its on in about an hour and a half. The pre-show is being shown all over the news at the moment. John Biden just turned up to St JohnsEpiscopal Church. After a mass there, they're heading to Blair House for the actual inauguration speech.

People are saying this is going to be a "Where were you when..." moment. I dont think so. Fair enough ,the US having their first black president can be seen as a big thing, but unless something major happens at this event, then its not gonna be something we look back on and remember where we were when it happened. At least for those of us living outside America.

Will the speech be any good? Are we expecting much? Will an epic, memorable speech be expected from President elect Obama? We'll find out in an hour....
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