As a result, you may notice the odd time that you come here that you'll get errors and the site wont load. This is because I am performing these upgrades on the live site! This is seriously advised against but I'm still doing it anyway coz i couldnt be arsed setting up a local server on me laptop and configuring it and then uplaoding it on top of the site here.
Actually, I did that last night but was too tired to work properly so said fuck it, and decided to just edit the live site!
So, if you notice over the next cupla days that the site isnt working, give it 15 mins and it should be fine. I'm expecting errors since i'm planning on starting in about 7 hours, but I'm planning on starting drinking (for the world cup) in 6 hours.
Also, once the upgrade is complete, you should notice absolutely no difference at all to the site. I'm just doing it for the laugh***!!

***"the laugh" meaning I fucked up the site previously so that when you're not logged in, the text is all over the place, and couldnt fix it so have decided to start all over again with the software (not the database - the only data that MAY dissappear is highscores).