My current gf introduced me to How I Met Your Mother. It had that guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and I Love You, Man so I said i'd give it a go.
It started off well. I thought Barney was cool too. However, after I watched more episodes it began to annoy me! I started gettin really annoyed by Ted being such a wuss and Lily being...well, just annoying. This got me thinking, the reason I hated friends was coz of some pretty similar reasons! I thought Ross was a wuss, Phoebe was annoying, and Joey was pretty cool!

So, this is my attempt at proving that Friends and How I Met Your Mother are pretty much the same thing, with different characters!! Obviously theres a different number of characters so their personality traits have had to be spread out among the lesser number in HIMYM.
Code: Select all
Ross | Ted Moseby
Nerdy paleantologist / College Professor | Nerdy Architect / College Profesor
Always depressed | Always depressed
Always looking to get married | Constantly looking for a wife
Short black hair with focus on gel | Short black hair, takes ages to do
Joey | Barney
-Name ends in "ey" | Name ends in "ey"
-shallow | shallow
-Bangs hot chicks every episode | Bangs hot chicks every episode
Rachel | Robin
-The hot one | The Hot one
-Dated Ross | Dated Ted
-Married Ross | Plot with Ted proposing etc etc
-Came into the show | Came into the show
as an out of towner | as an out of towner
-Had a relationship | Had a relationship
relapse with Ross | relapse with Ted
- Had fling with Joey | Had fling with Barney
Chandler + Monica | Marshall + Lily
- token couple | token couple
More to follow...
So as you can see, they're basically written from the same template, only HIMYM doesnt have kids reproducing catchphrases everywhere ya go, like when Friends was popular!

Anyone got any other obvious comparisons?