Break time for Black Eyed Peas while goes solo

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Break time for Black Eyed Peas while goes solo

Post by amsroks »

Fergie recently revealed that not only will she and her Black Eyed Peas bandmates be taking a break from releasing material as a group, but that has been working on his own solo project, called Black Einstein, that he'll be releasing soon!

She explains:
"I believe Will is coming out with a solo album. I’ve heard it. It’s called ’Black Einstein’ and it’s amazing. I’ve been waiting for him to come out with this for so long because I want it. He won’t give it to me. I want it for the gym. He’s so amazing - just such a genius lyricist and I’m really excited for his project. I am so excited to take a break. The guys know that I’ve been waiting and it’s time."
Fair enough! The last two albums they did together were pretty amazing, so we think it's fair that they'd want to take some time and do their own thing for a little while!

What do U think?? Are U excited to hear's solo album??
Personally I can't stand him!!!!
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Re: Break time for Black Eyed Peas while goes solo

Post by dingo »

is it actually solo, or will he be working with other artists? Hasnt he been doing that for over a year anyway?
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