World Cup 2014 Brazil - Qualifying groups

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Re: World Cup 2014 Brazil - Qualifying groups

Post by eoinzy »

Ye the Italian way. Thats how Trap has us playing at the moment. OR at least trying to.

Have you seen the way Spain play? Even the U-19s were playing against Ireland the other night and they were unreal! Not defensive at all. Just dominated the midfield and wore us down. Thats the brand of football everyone in the world is trying to play, but very few can pull it off! It seems the Spaniards have it mastered, and thought to them from an early age. We should be trying to copy them, instead of the Italians. Yes, you need a good defence, but you still need a good midfield to bring the ball up to the forwards!
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Re: World Cup 2014 Brazil - Qualifying groups

Post by kathleen85 »

Spain's team is really good.. Actually they just increased their lead over Netherlands in the FIFA ranking..
That game play is the one that fans want to see in the field.. We surely want to see more actions than two defensive teams and not making good moves to manage a goal.. The latter is pretty boring..
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